Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fable 3 Release Date – PC Version Gets Delayed

When is the Fable 3 PC release date? Well, there is good and bad news when thinking about this issue. The good news is that Lionhead Studios is at least considering a PC release. In earlier interviews, Microsoft had announced that the Fable 3 PC release date would be during the holiday season, right around the time it would be distributed for the Xbox 360. Compare this to Fable 2, which never received any official announcments surrounding a PC release.

But this does not mean that all is well. Yesterday, Fable 3 was released with no issue for the Xbox 360. There were even television commercials advertising its availability. However, do not expect to find a PC version on store shelves. In fact, after perusing the IGN network, I saw an article detailing an official announcement surrounding the Fable 3 PC release date. In this article (which was posted on August 2, 2010), Microsoft said that they would not release the PC version of the game during the holiday season.

So, where does this leave PC gamers? Well, for now they will have to play
Fable 3 on the Xbox 360, as no one knows when it will come out for the computer. Fortunately, Xboxes have been coming down in price. I got mine for $164 from Microcenter. This might be the route you want to go if you do not feel like dealing with the wait.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to Get a Free Disney Pirates of the Caribbean Online Guest Pass

Ah… the free Disney Pirates of the Caribbean Online guest pass. It is something that many gamers are looking for, yet does it really exist? Well, after extensively reviewing the Pirates Online website, I have not found any free online guest passes. In fact, on the surface, it appears that you don't even need such a thing. This is until you actually sign up for free membership. Under a free account, you get very limited access.

What about people that want unlimited access? Well, that’s where the free Disney Pirates of the Caribbean Online guest pass comes in. If you can find one, you will be able to play the game in its entirety for 30 to 90 days, (depending on what the pass offers). There is just one problem. Finding these passes can be extremely challenging, especially online.

At most, you might be able to find gaming forums where people give away their codes for free. You would then enter these codes into the game to activate the pass.

If that doesn’t work, try visiting Game Stop or other brick-and-mortar gaming stores. They might offer a free Disney Pirates of the Caribbean Online guest pass if there is an active promotion.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Welcome to Kristina's Gaming Blog

Congratulations! By visiting my blog you have come upon a resource that will give you up-to-date gaming information for the rest of your life. This is because every day I will provide an interesting article on anything game-related. Some of the topics I will cover include:

1. Addicting Online Games

Traditional video gaming can be very expensive. So, why not offset the costs with addicting online games like Dungeons and Dragons Online or King’s Quest? Or, you could try your hand at Farmville and other Facebook games. The sky is the limit, as I will talk about all of the addicting online games that I can think of.

2. Console Video Games

No gaming blog would be complete without references to console games, which tend to be the most popular. Throughout the life of my website, I will talk about games designed for both handhelds and traditional consoles. There will also be posts about old-school games, (for those that want to relive their childhood).

In addition, I will occasionally create articles talking about the consoles themselves. That way you can make an informed decision when it comes time to buy your next system.

3. PC Games

Why pay $200+ when your PC can provide for all of your gaming needs? This is how I feel, as many of my favorite games are played right through my computer. If you are the same way, you need to check out my upcoming posts, as I will provide extensive reviews on some of the hottest PC games around.

I will also provide recommendations for the best gaming PCs. Never again will you have to deal with “skipping” sound or slow video!

4. Video Game Movies

Ever wonder if they are going to make The Legend of Zelda: The Movie? If they are, I will be the first to let you know! The same goes for any other video game movie, as I will provide reviews right on here.

5. Video Game Television Shows

Awhile back, they had a Legend of Zelda TV show. It was a little corny, but it was the only media outside of video games that showed the daily lives of Link and Zelda. I will provide info on this and other video game television shows that come to mind.

6. Peripherals

Should you stick with the Wii-Mote or use your body with the Xbox Kinect? I will address this and more when I provide reviews on video game controllers.

7. Kid’s Stuff

Does your kid want to experience Mario or Sonic through the world of coloring pages, toys or other similar things? I’ll provide the goods!

8. Accessories

Need a cool carrying case for your DS? How about a skin to decorate your Xbox? Get all you need here.

9. Video Game Jobs

Video games generate billions of dollars each year. Why not become a part of the action? Through this blog, you will learn the secrets to landing a successful video game career.

10. Gaming Guides

Need help on a game? Keep my site in mind as I will sometimes write posts providing tips for various games.

11. Offline Gaming

Hey, you didn’t think I’d focus solely on video games, did you? I will also cover offline entertainment, ranging from sports matches to board games. Indeed, here at Kristina’s Gaming Blog, the goal is to appreciate all forms of play.

12. And More!

If a topic relates to gaming in some way, it will be featured here.